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Collecting Vintage Egg Cartons And What To Know Before You Start

Vintage advertisements and kitchen memorabilia are increasingly popular areas of collectibles, especially if you deal with items that are no longer manufactured the same way or have advertisements for businesses that are no longer in operation. One of the collectibles many people are starting to seek out and collect are vintage egg cartons. Here are a few things to know before you get started on your own vintage egg carton collection. 


One thing to know about collecting vintage egg cartons deals with the materials used. Unless the egg cartons are for decorative or display use, the material the vintage cartons are made from is a type of cardboard. Plastic, metal, or mixtures of plastic and cardboard are more modern and may not be considered to be vintage. Look for cardboard material with the advertisement or name of the company. If you are looking for egg carton vintage displays or holders for your refrigerator or counter, look for ceramic or metal options. 


Advertisements should be for companies or farms. You may also see vintage cartons that are simply marked with a picture of a chicken and the words "farm fresh eggs" or "fresh eggs." If a farm or company is advertised, make sure to perform a quick search online. You are looking for the legitimacy of the farm or business. You are also looking to see if it is closed, when it closed, and the specific years it was open. This can give you a better idea as to the age of the carton. 

Nutrition Facts

Nutrition facts are a sign that the egg carton is likely not as vintage as you would like. If nutrition facts are printed on the egg carton, it is likely a reproduction of a vintage carton because nutrition facts are a modern informational stamp placed on foods to show contents and caloric amounts. These labels were not used during the early to mid-1900s when most vintage egg cartons date from. 

When you are ready to get started on your collection, consider looking in estate sales or farmhouse estate sales. This will ensure you are getting true vintage pieces and help you locate ones in better shape. You may also find people cleaning out their sheds and farmhouses. If this is the case, you may find your vintage egg cartons for free. Make sure to take note of any information you find about the carton, including the year it was manufactured. 

For more information on vintage egg cartons, contact a company like Poultry Cartons.